Professional Association Management

An Apple a Day, LLC provides professional administrative and management services, including support for:

  • Strategic planning and visioning
  • Team building and conflict resolution
  • Administration and day-to-day operational management
  • Special project facilitation and coordination
  • Membership development, recruitment and (most importantly) retention
  • Sponsor outreach and development
  • Website content and website strategy development
  • Event/conference meeting planning and execution
  • Marketing - both internally to current members and externally to stakeholders, potential sponsors and potential members
  • Web-based training, including concept development, registration, execution and evaluation

Professional association management requires exceptional customer service and business skills, as well as experience as a leader. 

Our goals:

    • Facilitate and support volunteer leader success.
    • Coach, mentor and assist volunteer leaders in their respective role(s).
    • Assure that each member's concerns and/or needs are addressed.
    • Work with sponsors and supporters to maximize a return on investment.

We are also available for volunteer leadership consultation and training.

  • Did You Know?

    Our business has two separate divisions: 

    • Food and nutrition consulting, with a focus on schools, marketing and operational excellence.
    • Professional association management, with a focus on those practicing in the field of dietetics, food and nutrition.
  • What's New

    USDA has great school meals resources.
    Access here.

    The 2022 FDA Food Code was released in December.
    The most recent update can be found here.

  • What We've Learned Recently

    The Team Nutrition School Lunch Menu e-poster is designed for school nutrition programs to display daily lunch menu options and remind students to eat a variety of foods while building a reimbursable meal. This resource can assist with the implementation of offer vs. serve. The fillable pdf file can be used for electronic message boards, webpages, and social media or can be printed and displayed in sign holders. Find the resources here.